Learn Computer Technology with Free Online Colleges

Looking for free online colleges? Well now you can learn computer courses free from online schools while staying at home. Computer is today brain of the world and its study is very important for every field.

Online classes are available free of cost for every one. Stanford is One of the Top University of USA in computer sciences. Now Stanford is offering free online college computer courses. Yes it is true. This is very helpful for students who want to learn computer technology free. But they are either far away from good colleges or they have no money. The steps are very simple.

This Stanford online schooling is totally free of cost and students also get certificates. Getting into the computer field is very important. I’ll highly recommend to study at least basic course of computing so that you can later know how websites work, how pc works and how big software work in back end.

online colleges

Step By Step Method to Enroll with Stanford Online College

Go to Official Stanford Online College Website

The other online colleges may charge you money but this initiative from Stanford online university is free of cost. I have enrolled some courses my self. The instructor basically gives video lectures at a specific time. All other encrolled students are also logged in and watching the online lecture. You can ask questions from lectures during the online class.

Click on Courses button


free online colleges


Click on your desired course under “Now in Progress”

Then after click courses then on next page click on any course. For example as per screenshot.

free online schools


Click on Join Button

On the page you’ll see a red button with Text “Join”. Click on that button.

Click on Sign up Button

Then click on blue sign up button. There may be multiple sign up buttons depending upon the length of courses. on next page of Stanford online education. Enter your Full Name, Email and password. Yes this online college is totally free. Now you can learn from best faculty of united states with free of cost.

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