How To Unblock YouTube In Pakistan With Full Speed

Looking for How To Unblock YouTube In Pakistan With Full Buffering Speed? You can Open YouTube in Pakistan with easy steps.

how to unblock youtube in Pakistan

YouTube is blocked in Pakistan for last eight months now. Every one knows that YouTube was a knowledge river too. People used to download video tutorials, songs and documentaries from YouTube. But now all is gone. There are different methods to unblock YouTube in Pakistan. But most of methods to open YouTube in Pakistan are very slow.

Today I though to write a complete step by step tutorial on How to Unblock YouTube in Pakistan with High Buffering Speed. This way of unblocking YouTube in Pakistan is easy and even a newbie can do it.

How To Unblock YouTube In Pakistan – Tutorial

Method # 1 – Using Surfing Tunnel – Fast Speedy Way

The first method will open youtube very fast and without any ads. Follow below steps to open youtube with it.

Download Surfing Tunnel

Click on below button to download this tool. This will unblock youtube in Pakistan very fast.


Once this is downloaded. Install it complete. Once installed Open it.

Starting Software

Click on Start button and it will be started. GIve it few minutes.

unblock youtube


Configuring Settings

Once connection is successful. It will give you an IP and Port which you’ll need to set in Internet connections.

unblock youtube settings

For those who donot know how to do this. Follow below easy steps with screenshots.

Open Run Windows. (Press Windows+R) and Type inetcpl.cpl and Press OK as per below screenshot. The first alphabet is small “i“.

Run Command for Internet connection settings

Then Go to “Connections Tab” and Click “LAN Settings“.

youtube unblock IP settings

Then Enter the IP in Proxy Text Box and Port which is provided by Surfing Tunnel software.

LAN settings for youtube unblock with speed

Once Entered Press OK and Apply and Close the Box.

Then Open Youtube in Browser. Wow you have successfully Unblocked Youtube in Pakistan with Full Speed. The best part about this tool is that it’s fast and streaming is good.

Method 2

Download below file and open the link in that. Then type youtube in that. You can easily unblock youtube in Pakistan with it.

Method 3 (Not Working At the Moment)

Step No. 1

First step is to download below software. This is light weight proxy software. Which is of very high performance and does not hang the system. So your PC will not slow down when you use below one to unblock YouTube in Pakistan.

Step No. 2

After you have downloaded, just unzip the software as per below screenshot.

how to unblock youtube in Pakistan step 2

Step No. 3

Go into the extracted folder and open the application as per below screenshot.

how to open youtube in Pakistan step 3

Step No. 4

Once you see the green dots with message “Successfully connected to server” You are all set to now open YouTube in Pakistan.

Unblock youtube in Pakistan

Step No. 5

Now Open Browser. I prefer to use Google Chrome because it is fast. You can download Google Chrome from here. Type and BOOM. You have successfully unblocked YouTube in Pakistan. Enjoy this Freedom of Opening YouTube in Pakistan.

Surf youtube in Pakistan successfully

How To Speed YouTube Buffering after Unblocking

So far your question that How To Unblock YouTube in Pakistan is answered. Now going to second point. How we can make sure that You get High Speed of buffering when using this method. We know that most of Internet connections in Pakistan are not high tech. People face speed issue and Slow buffering problem.

Click here to see my complete method to Increase YouTube Buffering Speed on Slow Internet. Besides this you can also boost you Internet connection Speed with this method.

Download YouTube Videos With IDM on Proxy

Every one knows that today IDM is considered very fast download manager. Huge community uses it to download videos from YouTube. If you have used above method to unblock YouTube. Then you might have to change a small setting in IDM to let you download videos from YouTube on proxy,

Click here to see detailed step by step method to configure this setting in IDM. After downloading YouTube videos you can convert them to MP3 or other formats as well with free video converter.


So now you are all set. You have successfully

1. Unblocked YouTube

2. Increased Buffering Speed of YouTube

3. Configured IDM to download Videos on Proxy

Feel Free to let me know any issues you faced to unblock YouTube in Pakistan.

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